Reducing Psychological Harm

Have you ever thought of trying not to cause pain? It seems almost self evident, that others enjoy this kind of scenario of inflicting pains to others. Even animals try to avoid pain much more to humans.
This idea of judging actions and situations without thinking what the outcome is, maybe beneficial to them and they feel the sense of satisfaction. They never think of the psychological impact of what they've inflicted. It maybe harmful to some or maybe creativity to others. It's actually beyond words seeing people harming others in the cyber world to the extent of relating it to reality. They probably gain more self satisfaction that way. They think that it will attribute to the maximum level of contentment. It's UNBELIEVABLE!!
To some extent, it's CREATIVITY on my part. I took it positively and explored different angles to gain more skills in the virtual world. Thus, this website came to exist. My gratitude to SOMEONE who has a better perspective and a broader outlook in life compared to the rest of the group who constantly hang around watching how people melt or being wiped out by a tsunami.

Along with the idea of freedom, judging things in terms of their harmful or beneficial effects has been one of the "main weapons" of many nowadays. People who are judgmental with physical appearance are using this to comouflage their innermost complexities. I couldn't fathom how they enjoy inflicting pains to people they haven't seen or had seen once/twice in a real life set up. Could it be that they had extreme negative experiences previously and they put their frustrations in this kind of scenario?
Although seeming to be self evident when pain is involved ,judging things in terms of their outcomes is not as clear cut as it at first seems. So, do we just avoid causing any pain or harm? When is the pain or harm worth it?
Anyway, how do we know what the outcome of a specific situation or action will be? Can we always predict what the outcome of an action or any situation? How could we reduce psychological harm to others?
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