Tips To Consider .... Online or Offline

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Getting into relationships/friendships online can be very rewarding, but they can also be very dangerous. Anyone who is involved in any sort of a relationships online should be smart to avoid the dangers and reap the rewards.
The people we are dealing with online aren't just virtual entities. They are more or less real, like the people we met everyday in a "real set up" life. Take note of that!
We should treat others online as we would wish to be treated, but we can't always expect this thing to happen. On the other hand, we have to recognise as well that others online may not necessarily treat us as we treat them. Not everyone will share the same values and sensitivities that we've got. Some of us, may have encountered verbal abuses, harsh words, bashings and humiliations. Others may have encountered polite people, respectful who treasure values so much. This is where we need to be sensitive of. Knowing our ways and values, we choose the people and groups where we feel comfortable. Why hang around with people where we don't feel the positive vibrations.
If we frequent chatrooms or forums, we got to consider that it’s possible to develop strong relationships with people online, relationships that are different in quality and character from anything we’ve experienced offline. The anonymity online can be judged only on what we write. This can be very intoxicating. Be careful of this intoxication.
The anonymity encourages deception. Based on research, 80-85% frequently lie. People online lie about their identities. It goes beyond giving false names to go with an online identification. Who would entrust personal details online? Tell me about it! Remember that cyberworld is littered with people who have spent so much time getting to know someone only to find out this is misleading.
In an online relationships, we got to consider these factors, physical presence, social context and everyday experience. Any person we get to know online is not the complete picture of what they really are. Remember this before offering personal details, heart or life, we got to be very careful. Out of 10 people we meet online, it's good enough to have 1 or 2 to treasure and develop in depth relationship/friendship.
Once we turn our computer off. That's about it! We look around and notice who and what we have in our life offline.
Wow! look who's here. thanks for coming, boyet. we are really grateful to see you here.
Maybe you can start also your own blog, knowing your capablities. We will learn a lot from you a lot!
I can see that you are now registered, kasi this blog doesn't allow unregistered posters and here you are. THANKSSSSSSSSS!
A very warm welcome to you! WELCOME TO THE BLOGGING WORLD. We hope to see you start your own blog and let the whole world learn from your expertise.....
No, you aren't dreaming sis Dl, Ka Boyet is around. Am sure we'll learn from him, Eva. He got a lot of things to offer for the world to see and learn.
Somehow , he may find his way to start his own blog as well. Isn't it great!
Catch you later sis! will update my blogs when I get home, still at work...
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