Identify your Role As A Team Player

This isn't about sports, this has something to do with positive qualities and allowable weaknesses. Try to refrain from saying negative traits, we can always replace it with "Allowable Traits"
Decide which stereotype you think comes closest to describing you. If you find it absolutely impossible to settle for one stereotype, allow yourself a mix of two. But remember, you are not being asked to describe yourself as a stereotype, just to say which one you think comes closest to yourself. The purpose is to use the stereotype as a starting point, not accept it as an endpoint.
ARE YOU A .................. ?

* Company Person - CP - conservative, dutiful, predictable. organising ability, with common sense, hard working, discipline, inflexible, unresponsive to new ideas.
* Chair Person CH- calm, confident, controlled, welcomes all ideas on merit, without prejudice; clear objectives, only ordinary in intellect and creativity.
* Shaper - SH - highly strung, dynamic, outgoing, lots of drive, challenges inertia and complacency, impatient, easily provoked and irritable.
* Source Person - SO individualist, serious, unorthodox, great intellect, imagination, knowledge, up in the clouds, disregards practical detail and protocol.
* Investigator - IN- extrovert, enthusiastic, curious, contacts new people, explores new ideas, likes a challenge, loses interest after the initial attraction has passed.
* Monitor -MO - sober, unemotional, careful, sound judgement, discretion, hard-headedness, acks inspiration or the ability to motivate others.
* Team worker - TW - sociable, rather mild, sensitive, responds to people and situations, promotes team spirit, indecisive at moments.
* Completer - CO - orderly, painstaking, anxious, follows through to the end, perfectionist, worries about small things, won't 'let go' of a piece of work.
Thanks Dr Edge, these are really great ideas.
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