Dreams And Their Implications - Calendar Months

January --- To dream of this month,signifies financial gains,a mystery will be solved and beware of a false friend nearby.
February --- Usually associated with health problems and many worries. There is hope for beneficial events to come.
March --- To dream of the month of march portends disappointing returns in business and enemies could cause damages.
April --- It signifies that much pleasure and profit are in the horizon,but if the weather is miserable,it is a sign of distress.
May --- To dream of this month denotes prosperous times and pleasure for the young. Do not be discourage.
June --- Will have good earnings but must rely on own good judgement. Avoid rivals.
July --- To dream of July,foretells unusual gains in all undertakings. Use caution in your affairs.
August --- Overall a positive month . All will go well in life, will take a long trip,and will receive unexpected good news.
September --- To dream of September means good luck,changes for the better and desires and hopes will be accomplished.
October --- To see yourself in October means you are enjoying the fruits of hard work and will make lasting friendships.
November --- To dream of November ,augers a time of happiness and success in all affairs.
December --- It is a month that foretells accumulation of wealth,but loss of friendship. Will be very fortunate in love affairs.
Source: dreams/calendar
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