Effective Communication Gambits

At first glance, it sounds like a term used in a chess, am I right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about playing chess. Anyone who is a chess officionado, the word Queen's Gambit is a very common term though. This has something to do with conversation.
This has a very strong effect in expressing ones' opinion. It helps us introduce our ideas in a conversation. It's a natural and a friendly way of communicating. The impressions we create are abrupt, direct and rude when gambits aren't used. At times, people will get a wrong picture of us. Using gambits in a conversation makes it more natural, more confident, more friendly and others may find you easier to talk to. This is the missing link in most conversations. If we start on the wrong foot, most likely we'll be misunderstood.
The only way we make our conversation sound so natural is through the use of gambits. It maybe a word or phrase which helps to express what we are trying to say. This is a very useful tool in introducing a topic. This doesn't express actually the opinion, it will only introduce the opinion itself. Many aren't aware of this . Now,if gambits are used, the flow of conversation is rather smooth and it comes so naturally.

In some instances, when we want to express a deeply held belief, others will understand us better if we start it with I personally believe.....
In an argument or counter argument, it is best to start it with That's probably true but... or maybe That would be great except ....
They are used when we want to emphasize some points, when we're in a discussion or any other situations. It varies depends on what kind of topic we're in to.
Gambits are maneuvers, or strategies applied to a particular endeavor. They could be used in psyche and physical wars too. It's really so easy to come up with a solution when conflicts arise if gambits are used in this scenario. It's somewhat associated with COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT - a non-judgmental talk.
People with good communication skills usually use gambits everyday.
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