Let's Keep the Spirit of Harmony
"Happiness is a grateful spirit, an optimistic attitude, and a
heart full of love."
"Happy people roll with the punches. They know from experience that everything changes. Today's good fortune may vanish tomorrow,
today's crises may turn out to be tomorrow's good fortune."

Some of us think that HARMONY is an expression of LOVE. Yes, for sure it is. We can't have HARMONY without LOVE. It's actually a mirror of seeing ourselves in other people, wishing others the best in life and uplifting ones' morale if there's a need to. Reaching out, extending our arms to others to make them feel they belong in a crowd.
Harmony promotes social, cultural and economic benefits in a multi- ethnic community. It enriches us about cultural background of others and linguistic diversity. It is somewhat a simple, but powerful way of expressing that there is no place for racial intolerance or disharmony.
In every community, everyone aims for a harmonious environment. I am sure you feel the same way. We want to demonstrate harmony on a daily basis. We want to have a healthy environment regardless of what cultural backgrounds we came from. No matter how different we are , we are all human beings who want a better future for ourselves and for our children. Lets enjoy the cultural diversity that we are in and strive for a better life.
At my workplace, it is full of people coming from virtually all continents and all religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. They come from as far as Burundi, Yugoslavia, Middle East, Russia, Turkiztan, Afghanistan and South-East Asia such as
China, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand. The diversity does not end here. There is also a huge diversity of interest, hobbies, motivation and plans. However, everyone works towards a common goal to build a better life.
This may seem very idealistic, but Let's Have A GO!!
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