Innovative Approach - An Effective Method
"Different strokes for different folks."
Well, I don't really know much about this statement whether it's effective or not, but would rather focus on something that's proven to be more effective.
It makes me wonder what's the best approach that we could use to get a good feedback in solving some issues. To my belief, it's embedded in our personalities as to what method is best suited.
Often times, it is misinterpreted as a sign of weakness when someone walks out from a critical situation. That's being judgmental! A stereotype indeed, many are still into this kind of mentality. There's always a best way for someone to combat an issue in different perspectives.

My point of view is, Innovative Approach is an excellent medium and I find it very effective at any given circumstances. "Modelling from behind" that is. You don't need to spell the words out.
Words are always open to anyone for interpretation and the meaning behind often gets lost or it reduces its strength in the transference from the writer to the readers. A more efficient way in which it can easily be achieved is through this method. An innovative approach can be very effective especially when interacting with others. This way you can see the greatest transference of information not coming through words, but through the ENERGY behind those words. The same goes in a virtual reality, rather than telling people how to be, how to solve an issue, SEEK to set the readers' minds by examples, through models and thus allow ACTIONS TO SPEAK THAN WORDS.

In dealing with others, it is much more profound to embody the solution yourself rather than merely sharing it through words.
Blogging is really great!! Can you see the approach used?
Great Day to All!
thanks sis DL...yeah different strokes for different folks. it works actually for some pople, but if it involves harsh language already that won't work with me. won't waste my time to exchange views with people who are always using harsh language sis. would rather leave them. that's the best way! i won't do what the romans do. It's a waste di ba? anyway, have fun !
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